Persian Tabriz Hand Woven Rug, Geometric Design, 12 x 9, PA6136


Persian Tabriz Hand Woven Rug, Geometric Design

Remember! Call First for Shipping Quote


Lovely Persian Rug, Tabriz, Hand Knotted wool, Geometric patterns, Great condition and very clean! Measures: 12’6” (150.5in) x 9’4” (112in).

Additional information


Persian Tabriz Hand Woven Rug, Geometric Design, 12 x 9
Lovely Persian Rug
Hand Knotted wool
Geometric patterns
Great condition and very clean!
Measures: 12’6” (150.5in) x 9’4” (112in)

If you are not picking up at our Oakwood, Ga. store please call us at 770-534-6611 for a shipping quote. We provide shipping quotes as a courtesy to our clients however, we do not determine when the shipments arrive because the shippers are a separate entity. Shipping can be 2-4 weeks or more.

Please note that on all furniture pieces that need shipping, you must get a shipping quote. The cost is separate to the total of the item and can be paid upon delivery or by phone to the shipping company once the item is confirmed for pick up. We can help get you the best shipping quotes or you can set it all up on your own. Please note that it helps to make sure you have your phone number in your contact info for shippers upon delivery. Please call with any questions to 770-534-6611.